The other side of Eric Conn case: Lawyers, law students stepped up to help those he hurt.
Why do mountain folks detest attorneys?
The answer is easy . Two words. One name . Eric Conn.
Who can blame them? For the last four years thousands of mountain families have lived with this continuing dark cloud thanks to our neighbor who branded himself as “Mr. Social Security.”
If you say the word lawyer , folks in the mountains can only think of him. He had hundreds of billboards and continuous ads that featured his picture and his effective self promotion. As a result lawyers are viewed an inch above child predators, an inch below Robo callers.
Everyone in the mountains knows Conn bribed the Judge, cut off his ankle bracelet, and wound up getting arrested at a Pizza Hut in Honduras.
In the wake of his antics has been the gross overreaction of the Social Security Administration. They put thousands of his innocent clients through what the Federal Courts accurately described as unconstitutional star chamber-like hearings.
We have had suicides, spikes in homelessness and four years of continuous despair among our vulnerable neighbors in this poverty stricken region. 800-plus have lost their meager subsistence benefits due to this continuing humanitarian crisis.
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