AppalReD Legal Aid Hosts Pro Bono Recognition Events
AppalReD Legal Aid and its pro bono program, also known as Volunteer Lawyers for Appalachian Kentucky, are hosting two luncheons this month, one in Somerset and one in Prestonsburg, to recognize the legal work done by private attorneys throughout its service area on behalf of the area’s low-income individuals and families. The events are part of a national pro bono recognition effort conducted annually in October. The Somerset event will be held on Wednesday, October 10th beginning at noon, at the Center for Rural Development. The luncheon in Prestonsburg will be held on Friday, October 12th, also at noon, at the Wilkinson Stumbo Convention Center. Glenda Harrison, Executive Director of Kentucky’s Access to Justice Commission, will speak at both events about the work of the Commission.
Special recognition will be given to Kentucky Supreme Court Justices Daniel J. Venters, in Somerset, and Samuel T. Wright III, in Prestonsburg, for their advocacy on behalf of AppalReD and Kentucky’s three other legal aid programs in their efforts to protect the legal rights of those underrepresented in civil cases throughout the Commonwealth. Distinguished Service Awards, for contributions reflecting an “above and beyond” level of commitment to AppalReD’s clients, will be given to Marsha Taylor and Jill Haste in Somerset, and to Katherine Adams in Prestonsburg.
Private attorneys who have represented clients in family, consumer and other cases since January of 2017 will receive Certificates of Recognition in appreciation of their efforts. AppalReD will also be presenting “Nick of Time” awards to those volunteer attorneys who have responded to a nationwide call for representation of victims facing economic hardship due to the extensive Social Security fraud perpetuated by former attorney Eric C. Conn.
AppalReD is a non-profit organization that provides civil legal assistance to families and individuals in poverty in 37 eastern and south central Kentucky counties. It is the only organization in eastern and south central Kentucky that provides legal services free of charge. Clients turn to AppalReD for help with civil legal problems that threaten their physical and economic well-being. Those assisted include the elderly, children, victims of domestic violence, and other vulnerable groups.