Law students spend spring break helping former Eric C. Conn clients
FLOYD COUNTY, Ky. (WYMT) - Work continues to help former Eric C. Conn clients and this week the attorneys representing clients are getting extra help from college students.
Nine law students from the University of Kentucky and Notre Dame are in Eastern Kentucky on their spring break to help work on cases.
The students are volunteering their time working with AppalReD Legal Aid to help former clients.
Some of the students said they are familiar with Conn and that is what motivated them to want to help.
"One of the reasons I came here is to learn more about their experiences, how they are dealing with it, how they were involved and how I can help them," said Chai Sakeef, a first-year law student at the University of Kentucky.
The students will be in Eastern Kentucky all week.
They said they are excited to have a real-world learning experience. READ MORE