Free legal help for Conn clients
Posted by Shawn Allen on February 14, 2018 in Latest News
“Really shouldn’t wait until they get a hearing date, shouldn’t wait for any reason. Once they get that letter that’s the time to start acting.”
PRESTONSBURG, KY.– Earlier this month, we told you how nearly 2,000 more clients of former disability attorney Eric C. Conn will be forced to go through re-determination hearings to learn if they will keep or lose their Social Security benefits. Much like the first round of 1,500 clients, this round will also begin receiving letters that they have 30 days to obtain medical records proving that they were disabled at the time they began receiving benefits. Also much like the first round, there will be free legal help for those who want it. AppalRed Provided free legal representation for well over 500 of Conn’s former clients through a network of 135 attorneys in over 25 states. Officials with AppalRed say that once you receive one of these letters time is of the essence.
“They’ll be told that they have 30-days to submit new medical records. There’s a particular time frame that they’ll looking at, so even if they had not had records submitted prior to when their cases were originally determined, if they have records from that time period they need to go ahead and submit them to Social Security. Really shouldn’t wait until they get a hearing date, shouldn’t wait for any reason. Once they get that letter that’s the time to start acting.”
Those who receive notices and would like to obtain more information about the services AppalReD provides you can contact the agency at 866-277-5733. They can also fill out an application at