Electric rates in Eastern Kentucky just changed. Here's what it means for your wallet.
Electric rates in Eastern Kentucky just changed. Here’s what it means for your wallet.
By Will Wright
January 18, 2018 08:20 PM
The state Public Service Commission approved a rate increase request from Kentucky Power of about 4 percent on Thursday, but the elimination of a separate surcharge will lower rates overall for most customers.
The decision to allow a rate increase is coupled with a decision to scale back the company’s programs to encourage less energy use, known as demand-side management, which will eliminate a $10.61 average surcharge on monthly bills and replace it with a $1.48 credit.
Overall, electric bills for the company’s 168,000 customers in Eastern Kentucky, where the coal industry’s decline has left thousands without work, will be lower in 2018 than in 2017, according to a PSC news release.
Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/article195478524.html#storylink=cpy