Why should a woman have to pay legal fees for man who beat her?
By Cassie Chambers
January 02, 2018 04:28 PM
I liked Jane (not her real name) as soon as I met her. She was kind, warm and funny. She asked me so many questions about myself that, at times, I forgot that she was the focus of our meeting.
We were at the courthouse that day because of her husband. A few weeks before he had come home drunk and insisted she make him dinner. Jane, asleep on the couch after a long day of work, told him that he could make it himself.
Jane’s husband flew into a rage. He dragged her from the couch into the kitchen, where he began beating her on the head. He wrapped a towel around her neck so tight that she couldn’t breathe. He raised a gun, pointed it at her, and fired. He missed.
Read more here: http://www.kentucky.com/opinion/op-ed/article192614454.html#storylink=c…