Apply for Help

Apply for help

Online Application Information 

 Completing this application online does not mean AppalReD Legal Aid will be able to represent you in your legal matter. 

Shape You must still speak with an intake specialist to complete your application.  Only then can we decide if your issue is something we can assist with. 

 We will call you within three (3) business days at the number you provide to complete the application. 

Shape If you have been served or have a pending court date in three (3) business days or less do not complete this application.  Rather, please call us at 1-866-277-5733 for help. 

Shape I understand that by completing this form I have not entered into an attorney/client relationship and AppalReD Legal Aid has not agreed to represent me. 

Shape Your computer use could be monitored. 

 If your legal problem involves: 

Someone living with you or 

Someone with access to your computer 

You should either: 

Call us at 1-866-277-5733 or 

Use a computer at another place such as your local library 

Wherever you request our services, it would be a good idea to close the internet browser when you are finished. 

Apply for Help

 Apply for Help -  Spanish


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