Pro Se Family Law Clinic Paintsville
This is a FREE clinic available for persons from any county in our service area, will be limited to 20 participants and is available for both clients with or without children of the marriage. This clinic can address divorce and custody. You...
Wills Clinic McDowell Senior Citizens Center Minnie, KY
At this clinic, participants will meet with attorneys from AppalReD Legal Aid and pro bono volunteers to draft a will. Please register in advance by calling our Central Intake line at 1-866-277-5733.
Expungement Clinic London, KY
Join AppalReD Legal Aid attorneys on MARCH 13 in London, KY for an expungement clinic at Tradition One Recovery Center. Please call 606-528-7010 ext. 555 to register.
Facebook Live: Crime Victims’ Relief: Unlocking Support Through the Compensation Fund
Please join us on our Facebook page on March 14 at 3:00 pm. Jennifer Perkins, Staff Attorney, will share about The Crime Victims Compensation Fund, including how to apply, who is eligible and the types of supports for victims it funds. Ask questions ...
Veterans Clinic in Somerset
Free help with most legal issues. Simply request an application at the front desk of the VA Center. Provide the front desk with your name and a contact number, complete the application, and bring it back with you at the next clinic date.Clinics:March...
Virtual Pro Se Clinic
This is a FREE virtual clinic available for persons from any county in our service area, will be limited to 15 participants and is available for both clients with or without children of the marriage. To participate, you will need a computer or tablet...
Disaster 101 CLE
Join AppalReD Legal Aid's Disaster Response Team and Pro Bono Program on April 4 as they offer a free three-hour CLE. Presenters are attorneys who have worked at the forefront of Kentucky’s most recent natural disasters. Attorneys will feel confident...
Pro Se Family Law Clinic Monroe County
This is a FREE clinic available for persons from any county in our service area, will be limited to 20 participants and is available for both clients with or without children of the marriage. This clinic can address divorce and custody. You...
Virtual Pro Se Clinic
This is a FREE virtual clinic available for persons from any county in our service area, will be limited to 15 participants and is available for both clients with or without children of the marriage. To participate, you will need a computer or tablet...
Virtual Pro Se Clinic
This is a FREE virtual clinic available for persons from any county in our service area, will be limited to 15 participants and is available for both clients with or without children of the marriage. To participate, you will need a computer or tablet...
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